ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2504-3619
If you have difficulty accessing any of the material listed you are welcome to contact me at: mary.stefanazzi@gmail.com
Stefanazzi, M. ‘Why we need history,’ Iarmhí 2023-24 1:3, 51-56.
Stefanazzi, M. ‘Obituary – Valerie Pakenham’ Iarmhí 2023-24 1:3, 163-164.
Stefanazzi, M. ‘Elisabeth Kübler-Ross: A life’s work on grief, death and dying.’ Inside Out, Journal for the Irish Association of Humanistic and Integrative Psychotherapy, Issue 96 (Spring 2022) 16-22.
Stefanazzi, M. ‘Privatio Boni: Evil through the eyes of Carl Jung and Victor White,’ Irish Judicial Studies Journal Vol 5(2) (2021)
Stefanazzi, M. ‘Victor White OP: Válka a narativ rozkvětu člověka,’ Salve (2020) 3, 55-72.
Stefanazzi, M. “Guilt: Theological and Psychological,” Doctrine & Life, 69:9 November (2019).
Stefanazzi, M. “Victor White OP: Defining Evil in Jungian-Christian Dialogue,” International Journal of Jungian Studies, Volume 11, Issue 2 (2019).
Stefanazzi, M. “Learning with Victor White how to Be a Student.” Doctrine & Life, Vol. 69, No. 2, February 2019. www.dominicanpublications.com
Stefanazzi, M. “Victor White OP: War and the Narrative of Human Flourishing.” New Blackfriars, Vol 99, No. 1084, November 2018. https://doi.org/10.1111/nbfr.12410
Stefanazzi, M. ‘The Transformative Power of Love: Review of To Love and to be Loved by Desmond O’Donnell, Doctrine & Life, Vol 67 No. 9, November 2017. www.dominicanpublications.com
Stefanazzi, M. ‘Review of Catherine Gibson’s Relational Ministry: Integrating Ministry and Psychotherapy.’ Doctrine & Life, Vol 67, No. 2, February 2017. www.dominicanpublications.com
Stefanazzi, M. ‘Donald Trump, Jung and the Shadow.’ Doctrine & Life, Vol 67, No. 1, January 2017. www.dominicanpublications.com
Stefanazzi, M. ‘A Classic Re-visited: God and the Unconscious.’ Doctrine & Life, Vol 65, No. 2, February 2015. www.dominicanpublications.com
Stefanazzi, M. ‘Aristotle on Virtue’ in Seductive Concepts: Perspectives on Sins, Vices and Virtues. Edited by Moreno Bonda and Simon Bacon. Inter-Disciplinary Press, (Oxford, UK: 2014)
Stefanazzi, M. ‘The Psychologist and the Priest.’ Doctrine & Life, Vol 64, No. 2, February 2014. www.dominicanpublications.com
Stefanazzi, M. ‘Is Electroconvulsive Therapy (ECT) Ever Ethically Justified? If so, Under What Circumstances.’ HEC Forum, 25:1, March 2013. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10730-012-9182-0
Stefanazzi, M. ‘Ethics and the Contemporary Practice of Psychotherapy.’ Inside Out, Journal for the Irish Association of Humanistic and Integrative Psychotherapy, Vol 67, Summer 2012.
Stefanazzi, M. ‘How to Make Good Choices.’ Spirituality, July – August 2010, Vol 16, No. 91. www.dominicanpublications.com
Stefanazzi, M. ‘Ethical Issues in Psychotherapy.’ Inside Out, Journal for the Irish Association of Humanistic and Integrative Psychotherapy, Vol 58, Summer 2009.
Stefanazzi, M. ‘Applied Energy Therapy.’ Inside Out, Journal for the Irish Association of Humanistic and Integrative Psychotherapy, Vol 43, Summer 2004.
Stefanazzi, M. The Miracle of Twergi. Dublin Stories, (Inkwell Publications : Dublin 1998)
Stefanazzi, M. The Long Slow Wink. Dublin Stories, (Inkwell Publications : Dublin 1997)
Stefanazzi, M. ‘Toward Wholeness – the Relevance of Transpersonal Experiences in Psychotherapy.’ Inside Out, Journal for the Irish Association of Humanistic and Integrative Psychotherapy, Vol 13, Summer 1993.