Jung’s thinking is different in perspective from most modern psychologies.
Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961) was the Swiss psychiatrist whose name is associated with Analytical Psychology as distinct from psychoanalysis which is associated with Sigmund Freud (1856-1939).
Understanding Jung warrants some consideration of the role and importance of writing and publishing to his work. The Collected Works of C. G. Jung consists of eighteen large volumes excluding his autobiography, Memories, Dreams, Reflections, and additional volumes of published letters in addition to the various posthumous publications, such as The Red Book (2009) and the large volume of yet unpublished material attest to the significance of writing and publishing to Jung’s work.
What is particular to Jung’s paradigm is that it can rationally accommodate human experience that to the rational mind seems irrational. The spectrum of phenomenon in question includes contents from the personal and collective unconscious. One means by which such contents may become known is by using Jung’s methods to analyse the significance of dreams, symbols and fantasies.
In Jung’s Collected Works the term ‘psyche’ is used to describe the fullness of human experience, in contrast to more restricted definitions which refer solely to the conscious and rational mind. In investigating the unconscious Jung uses two key terms, soul and psyche. Psyche is the Greek word for soul.
Much more may be said about Jung but at this point it is possibly best to let Jung speak for himself. We are fortunate to have a 1959 BBC interview with Jung that you can listen to – Carl Gustav Jung – “Face to Face”